A.P. Bio Wiki

Heather is a student at Whitlock High School.

Personality and traits[]

Genuinely pleasant, though awkward. Among the more articulate of the AP Bio class, though with a tendency to make inappropriate sexual remarks (see below).

Holds genuine affection for Jack, frequently calling him "chief" or "boss." Among the AP Bio class, her apparent love interest is Dan Decker.

- Her overtly sexual messages to Myles turned into a "complex online relationship."

- She refers to her father's girlfriend as his "whore," even after her father and the girlfriend get engaged.

- She contributes fiction to the Whitlock HS paper regularly---always rejected on the grounds that they cannot publish "mature content."

- She had a very brief affair with bull rider Chad Gurn of Prairie High School.


She’s slender with long red hair, usually in pigtails. She also wears extremely thick glasses, without which her sight is poor. Her mouth is often seen hanging open.


- Dated a bull rider from Prairie High School

- Dad owns a butcher shop

Episode Appearances[]

  • All Episodes


- IQ 140

